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Beanie Baby 14th Generation Tush Tags

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14th generation Beanie Baby tush tag - front    14th generation Beanie Baby tush tag - back

General Information

1. Tag color: white with red lettering and red, non-metallic Ty logo
2. Looped or single piece of fabric printed on both sides.
3. Beanie's name on tag: yes
4. Year printed on tag: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012
5. Ty red heart logo on tag: yes, non-metallic version replaces metallic version
6. Hand made in: China
7. Seen with swing tag generations: 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19


2010 copyright year (front and back)

14th generation Beanie Baby tush tag - front    14th generation Beanie Baby tush tag - back

Last update - December 22, 2014

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